Saturday, December 31, 2016

Olympic Meadow

By: Russell Taylor
November 2010
Colored Pencil
Taken From Photograph “Mount Olympus from Low Divide” by Pat O’Hara in Olympic National Park and Peninsula, Tellurian Press, Inc., 1998

This drawing is a grid drawing taken from a photograph in a book I purchased while on vacation in Olympic National Park. I gave it to my Mom for either her birthday or for Christmas.


Chalk pastel

This is a drawing from a high school drawing class. It was completed sometime between 2003 and 2005. It was done in chalk pastel and was based off of a photograph of an eagle at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville Washington by Gary Bottoms.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Strawberry Kiwi

Title: Strawberry Kiwi
Medium: Acrylic Paint
This project was completed sometime between the years 2002 and 2005. At that time I was a high school student at Puyallup High School. For this project we had to create a picture based on one of our favorite things. Strawberry Kiwi Snapple was and is still my favorite drink. 

why an art blog?


                My name is Russell Taylor and for as long as I can remember I have been interested in drawing and doing art. Often people ask to see the artwork that I have done and I wanted a good way to share it with anybody who is interested and that is why I am starting this blog. It will start with artwork that I did in high school and continue through the college art class I took as well as the art I have done since then. I hope that people will enjoy seeing it.