Monday, June 26, 2017

Yellow Palm Trees

Yellow Palm Trees
January 29, 2001

This painting came all the way back from a junior high art class. I especially liked the contrast between the dark green silhouette of the palm trees and the yellow background.


Prisma Color Colored Pencil
2003 – 2005?
This project came from one of my high school drawing classes. We had to take an image and first draw it realistically. I chose a picture of a tropical fish from a magazine. The next step was to draw it a second time, but this time in a more abstract fashion. Finally, you drew it again as a complete abstract drawing.

Monday, June 19, 2017

 Acrylic Collage
 June 13, 2005

For this project we had to choose an everyday item. I chose a key for my project. The first thing that you had to do was to paint the key in three different styles. I painted it realistically, in abstract form, and rendered it as a collage with scraps of paper and a picture from a magazine. The next step was to cut all three pictures into strips. After that you glue the strips on card stock one after the other. This step is repeated three times so you end up with three abstract pictures.

Monday, June 12, 2017


Prisma Color Colored Pencil
May 12, 2003

I did this drawing in my sophomore year of high school. We had to take a picture and draw it with Prisma color colored pencils in two different styles. One with a more burnished polished look where you push hard when you color and one softer look where you press more lightly. I picked a picture of a cheetah because that is my favorite animal.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


High School 2003 – 2005?
I painted this picture in the high school painting class that I took. My sister gave this cactus to my Mom for Mother’s Day. The cactus lasted for about 20 years until it died. It started out in one of the windows of the kitchen, but later got too big so we moved it to a plant stand.