Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bryce Canyon in Sun and Shadow

Bryce Canyon in Sun and Shadow
March 14, 2019
Prismacolor Colored Pencil
Taken from photograph of Bryce Canyon National Park by Shawn Taylor July 2013

I am really excited about this project. There was so much detail with all the different columns, they are called hoodoos, and light and shadow. I was not sure if it would turn out, but it looks pretty good after all. I created the drawing from a photograph my brother Shawn took while on a vacation we took to see my Dad’s parents and Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks. It was a really fun trip. We got pelted by a hailstorm while we were there, which was quite the adventure.

Pond with Cattails

Pond with Cattails
March 2019
Krita Digital Art

This is another version of the Forest Pond. I made the 2 trees in the middle of the picture smaller so you could see more of the background trees. I also just used a lighter brown to highlight the trunks instead of using white. Finally, I added the cattails at the bottom of the picture. I like that you can see more background trees.

Forest Pond

Forest Pond
March 2019
Krita Digital Art

Another digital art project using the Krita program. I tried to make the trees look like birch trees by using white brushstrokes on top of the brown. I like how this project turned out.